Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ide Bagus Memangkas Tenaga Distribusi

Ask the Tribun Timur Editor
Sebuah terobosan untuk memangkas tenaga distribusi surat kabar. Jaringan tetap, bahkan makin "luas" dan "dalam", tetapi jumlah orang yang terlibat makin sedikit.

'L.A. Times' To Deliver 'Orange County Register'

By E&P Staff

Published: July 29, 2009 2:20 PM ET

NEW YORK The Orange County Register and the Los Angeles Times are extending their partnership even further with new distribution agreements. The Los Angeles Times will deliver copies of the Orange County Register to homes and newsstands effective September.

The Orange County Register said the deal would save the paper "seven figures." The Register employs 721 independent contractors who will be impacted by the move in addition the elimination of 55 full-time and 143 part-time positions.

The Register will be the Los Angeles Times' largest commercial delivery customer.

"In addition to providing excellent service and timely response to customer issues and requests, this new distribution system will allow us to operate more efficiently and effectively," Terry Horne, publisher of the Register, told his paper.

The Register and the Los Angeles Times recently agreed to launch a joint weekly advertising supplement.

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